Attention Rhode Island Voters!

Passage of Question 5 would authorize the state to borrow $35 million to support improvements and construction at arts facilities and historic sites around the state. In addition to the nine performing arts organizations named in Question 5, the bond would fund a competitive matching grant program for other eligible arts facilities across the state. Question 5 also provides $5 million for State Preservation Grants which repair historic buildings open to the public. These are places we use daily: town halls, theaters, museums, park structures, libraries and other community sites. The highly successful program has been dormant since 2008 due to a lack of funds. Proceeds Proposed Use Trinity Repertory Company$4,647,750will be used for the Lederer Theater and the Pell Chafee Performance Center, both in Providence, for performance facilities, educational instruction, production and administration, including reimbursements of advances of up to $1,500,000 expen...