Happy to announced RILA 2023 Residency

I'm thrilled to be Rhode Island Latino Arts, 2023 Poet-in-Residency. This is a one year residency, where I'll be developing my oral history project, Las Abuelas Cuentan, in partnership with Marta Martinez. I will also be hosting Café Recuerdos once a month, hope you join me! More info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUkUYZLO52/? https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUkUYZLO52/?fbclid=IwAR3EVJwBRnL6sLsupSfdzNKh6xi1vHGxcULCTlXnGQUvLKt09nDK6STJZzk http://www.rilatinoarts.org/SussySantana.html